Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Week #10: Finito

I really did enjoy this training program. I do feel that I had an inkling of an idea for all the topics we learned about; however, it is always nice to get a refresher or an update on these topics.
Of the 23 things we learned, I really enjoyed LibraryThing, RSS feeds, and online photo editing tools. I now use LibraryThing to catalog books I have read and am able to see what others are reading based on the books in my catalog.
Every morning, I check Bloglines and I get to see my "daily dose of imagery" of artsy photos and cute animal pictures along with my Postsecret.
I did not care too much for the Zoho writer but I am sure it might come in handy at a later date. It is a little difficult to really delve into these topics b/c like any item that you are interested in, that item acts an unravelling thread of a sweater which is neverending. I hope to get internet at home so I can really research all capabilities with the internet. It is getting to the point that it is just as bad as television (sitting and staring at a screen for large amounts of time).
I am not really sure what suggestions I have to refine this training. I think having a focus group type discussion might help conjure up ideas.
All in all, I am happy that I took part in this "journey" and hope to continue learning Web 2.0.
Also, I really enjoyed the Wandering Eyre speaker at the very beginning of this course; she really motivated me to brush up on my internet skills.

Friday, November 16, 2007

still week #9: Podcasts

Finally, a category that I know absolutely nothing about. I was ashamed to ask friends or coworkers about podcasts. I did know that dealt with some kind of audiostream that you connect to online but I was not sure how you access them. I have an ipod and whenever I update my ipod, I see the podcast tab and I never knew what to do with it.
I decided to browse the podcasts at Podcast Alley and chose to listen to IndieFeed. It seems pretty cool. I would like to research some more and I definitely think I will be using podcasts from now on. I now have a way to listen to indie groups. I normally listen to KTRU online; however, I don't think it is a podcast since you cannot upload/connect to past shows.

Week #9.2: Ebooks!

When HCPL notified employees of their Emedia launch, I took a peek to see what it offered. I was not too impressed with their collection but now that it has been a few months (maybe several), I see that it has grown immensely.
I would still like to see more variety with their "indie" music but I assume most musicians do not go that route. I browsed in the fiction and there is a title I would consider reading, Miss Understanding, which is one of the featured books. I am also happy to see that F.G. Gerson's 21 Steps to Happiness is available for download. When that book came out, I ordered it through ILL (from HPL, not HCPL). I was unable to read it and now that HCPL offers it, I can download it! I also think it is a good idea to include juvenile selections as well.
I do have a few suggestions about the site. I think users should be able to search by publisher (I am quite partial to Red Dress Ink) and users should be able to select how many items can be viewed per page (10,50,100).
Have downloadable books will make it easier for me to broaden the subjects I have read. I don't really care for audio books seeing that I find it hard to do my work and listen to what the speaker is actually saying. Maybe I haven't tried the right books...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Week #9 Youtube!

I enjoyed this exercise. I use YouTube frequently; however, I was unable to decide on what kind of video to share.
I decided posting a video by Pete Bjorn, a musician I recently came across. As much research as I do in music and movies, I am always a step behind in indie rock.

For some reason, I am having trouble posting the video...bollocks!

Friday, November 2, 2007


I created an account with Zoho earlier in the week but was hesitant to use it. I didn't know what to write about.
I always wanted to practice writing and I finally mustered the strength and words to get some of it down.
I am very surprised that it went with sch fluidity! As soon as I started typing, it was like opening Pandora's box that I could not close.
I think I might actually use this regualarly. I may be able to write my comic dialogs this way!

to be continued



I went to visit Denton in the fall of 2004. It had been three months since I moved back to Houston; I was anticipating my reaction to visiting the town I thought I would miss.

Of course, things were still the same; same crowds at the bars, same workers at Kharma Cafe, nothing different.

Because I was visiting during the school week, I took the opportunity to visit my Fibers professor. The walk on campus was so nostalgic; had it been that long since I was attending there? Texas is vast land, it is surprising that the climate change is as drastic from one border to the other. I trekked the one mile to the building and walked down the familiar path. As I walked to her office, I passed the looms and the "peg" boards with the thread wound around x amount of times. I think Ami was busy, so I went into the classroom to see what projects were being worked on.

I walked in and I couldn't help but feel that it was kizmet. There, in front of my face, facing the wash basin, was David. He was absorbed into his work, avidly working on his pieces. He was washing one of his screens. I was filled with delight to see him, almost to the point that I could cry. I decided to sneak up behind him and I did a pretty good job. Considering the spray gun and its generator are loud, he did not hear me approach.

I stood right behind him for a few seconds and then poked him on both sides of his stomach. It was not my best action; he jolted and turned around. I  think he was equally surprised to see me and he hugged me and exclaimed, "Veronica!" emphasizing the double r that should be used when saying my name. I noticed he was using one of my screens that I left for the class. As a part of our assignments, we built screens and left them for the next semester of students to use.

It had been so long since we had seen each other and as I looked into his eyes, my mind erased all the emotions and pent up words I had been wanting to say to him.