Wednesday, October 21, 2009

iHCPL #41: Going Green (1 & 2)

Going Green Part 1

Prior to reviewing this blog, I felt like I was a fairly green individual. But to my dismay, inactivity (as opposed to pro-active choices) is just as bad as purposely living a non-green lifestyle.
I took the Carbon Footprint text and it says I emit 12.3 tons of Carbon Dioxide a year! To be honest, I'm not sure what it means exactly but compared to the average emission per person and the number of individuals living in the states, I take it that the amount I emit is not good. I already air-dry my clothes and I've gotten into the habit of unplugging SOME appliances when not in use. I know to make small improvements, I can get into the habit of always turning of my power strips when I'm not using those devices.
As for moving around town, I can probably ride my bicycle to the grocery store if I can buy small amounts of items OR make a stop right after work. I have gotten into a bad habit of eating out during the work week which is bad in more ways than one. Apart from letting out more Carbon Dioxide, I choose unhealthy places and spend money I should be saving. I am willing to attempt a stricter workweek diet which will help with spending money and keeping the air a smidgen cleaner.
As for Green Dining, I am not very familiar with local Farmers' markets. I did use to go with my dad when I was younger and he would purchase veggies for the restaurants but I never went for personal shopping. I am most interested in visiting a market b/c the weather is much more tolerable and it may be nice to browse around a market as a pastime. Also, I would be supporting our local businesses and I am always a fan of local shopping.
Also, I just recently befriended a lady who grows her own produce in her backyard. The last time I saw her, she gave me a sweet potato! I am hoping our friendship will inspire me to dabble in the garden and try harvesting my own foods!

Going Green Part 2

After reading tips on how to green my daily lifestyle, I see there is room for improvement. I review the 5 tips for a green home and I can definitely benefit from sealing and topping holes and open slivers around my home. The windows are pretty old and eventually, I'd like to purchase better windows. I am also proud to say I use the compact fluorescent bulbs already.
As far as things I'd like to consider is the make your own non-toxic cleaning kit. Apart from spending money on a variety of products, I would like to invest in a general all-purpose cleaning set. I also checked out on the site about mosquito repellent and the site lists recipes as well as products. I also liked DIYlife which has how-to videos which are more suited for me since I'm a visual learner.
A task I'd like to take up is recycling. Unfortunately my area does not have curbside recycling which makes it harder to save my recyclables. I am currently in the process of tidying the porch so that I can designate plastic bins for different types of recycling. Luckily I found a place that is open on Saturdays where I can drop off recyclables. I hope once my lil' station is set, I can schedule monthly drop off times.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

iHCPL #40: Fitness

I am a fairly large person but I do aim to do some sort of (added) physical activity each day. I love walking at the park because it helps me de-stress and also burn a few calories. However, if I want to lose weight, I know I have to increase my cardio immensely.

I reviewed the Mayo Clinic's 5 Step Program and I know I have a lot of room for improvement. One thing I would like to do in the near future if the weather allows is go on a hike. I went on my first hike sometime in August and thoroughly enjoyed it (apart from bug bites!). I would like to continue this activity if the weather gets under 80 degrees!

I reviewed's suggestions to keeping at it and I agree with sticking to activities you enjoy and finding a buddy. I have a hard time motivating myself to go and work out but if a friend is interested in accompanying me, I am motivated to go and I get my gossip-fill for the day. I enjoy walking the most so I try to do that but other things need to be done such as cleaning the yard. I have to remind myself that the added benefit of cleaning the yard is burning calories. Another thing I am considering if shopping for an exercise machine via Craigslist and using that while watching my daily dose of TV. There are a number of shows I watch on DVD which I think I can easily convince myself to watch while working out.

Calculators & Questionnaire
So I once I tried out the calculators and questionnaire, I don't think I'm horribly off the trail. I am considered morbidly obese (such a harsh term, don't you think?) but my life expectancy is about 86.3. I don't think I'd want to live that long, but if I did, I want to try and make the best of it. My areas needing improvement are psychological, CAD (coronary heart disease), and Diet. I think they are all interconnected because I tend to stress out about minor details and if I can balance that, I wouldn't be so inclined to snack on serotonin-inducing foods such as carbs and chocolate. I think I am very capable of creating a healthy lifestyle. Apart from my love for research and sharing information with others, I joined HCPL's Wellness Committee so I can educate myself on healthy living and resources. I'd like to try Pilates because I hear a lot of people say good things about it. Not only do you practice relaxation, you stretch your body (which helps release those feel-good chemicals, and burn calories- awesome! I think once I get a handle on a good amount of activity, my body will crave fresh fruits and vegetables. I started buying apples and carrots again and I started adding frozen vegetables to my meals for added sustenance. Even if these are small efforts, it's better than nothing, right?